To Start

There are a lot of things that you need to do when you start something new. When you begin things seem strange, mysterious, maybe even hard. That is at first. But as you try them the more normal they become, the less mysterious, and then at last they are easier if not even trivial to complete.

This same formula can be used to describe just about anything that we begin.

This website is new to me. The act of writing this openly with you and expressing different ideas that are, while a part of who I am, a challenge to get onto the page. This will of course become easier as we move forward together with one another. You will bare witness to a change it quality and skill, an improvement in the overall experience which in turn generates a sense of growth.

Growth is something that we will be doing a lot of as mothers, it is something that we will be witnessing a lot of in our children and it is something that will never stop amazing me.

The post that you have just read is a start. The first toe in the water of the new world that I have just entered.

I never thought that I would one day be doing this. The idea of writing a blog would have been just as mystical as celebrating a baby shower, giving birth, and caring for a child. But like with all things it is something that you can learn, grow and expand. These first simple attempts will soon grow into full strides.

And I hope to walk together with you. The start is always the most difficult part.